Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why Ambitions is My Favourite Sims 3 Expansion Pack

Strange as it my appear, I did not particularly enjoy the actual careers side of the ambitions expansion which was presumably the main selling point of the game. Being an undercover detective or ghost hunter is admittedly quite fun... for the first half an hour and then the repetitive "quests" soon become tedious and boring.

The best part about the expansion, which makes it so much fun to me, is the Inventing skill. (The following my contain spoilers) On the surface this just appears to be skill like any other with the added bonus of making random items of very little usefulness... but then playing for a little longer reveals the two really cool things that can be "invented" by your Sim.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Sims and its Silly Glitches

 Not so long ago, I used to be so incredibly obsessed with the Sims 3 I even drew out my entire Sim family's family tree. This is just six generations, yes, that is because I can never play the game for longer than a few generations due to random bugs and annoying glitches!

The usual glitch preventing me from playing is: Sims being related to other random Sims for no reason or cousins marrying each other and then the whole family tree messes up and sometimes wont even open or display family members. The 'neighbourhood' also becomes populated which just the one family aswell so all the sims are related to one another, which is spooky.

Right now, I don't play the Sims at all because thirty minutes in the game freezes - every single time! According  to my googling research, random freezing can be a result of playing with the Pets expansion (something to do with deers dying or something). I'd rather not play at all if I can't play with Pets installed, sigh.

The above image, you might have realised, shows a simbot is married to a Sim and has two children with this Sim. I was not playing this household at the time all these shenanigans were happening; this all occured at some point while i was busy playing my main family and it all went unnoticed until I visited that household and heard a toddler making particular mechanical sounding noises. Later, the same toddler was sleeping and the usual Sim 'Z's which I was expecting to float from her slumbering face were replaced with 0's and 1's.

Quite honestly, I thought this was fantastically hilarious; that was until the toddlers had aged up.They'd been invited over for my Sim kid's birthday party and they had grown up into the most horrifically terrifying abominations I had ever seen while playing the sims. Their limbs stretched out and became skinny and misshapen; they walked at first in bizarre angular movements and then suddenly their feet burst into flame and they floated around the garden.

This was the one of many disturbing glitches I have encountered in the Sims and I expect I will encounter a few more in the future. They range from hilarious to disturbing to annoyingly game breaking.

One of my Sims wanted to know what would be like to spend the day being a plant, getting inside a plant pot and reading a book.

Another Sim wanted to take her baby on a motorbike ride and strapped it to the handlebars.

The creepiest of all is the most recent glitch I've encountered...

That is a how a Sim Cat emulates being a Sim; manipulating its body by stretching out its legs into Sim-like limbs. It is so creepy.

But glitches aside, I do love to play the Sims now and again.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Where will you be when this is through?

I'm now officially hyped for Mass Effect 3. Although a teeny, tiny, reserved part of me is preparing for a let down, the biggest part of me, ninety-eight percent of me, is unbelievably excited for what will be, as the trailer shows, a really epic and awesome final installment to the Mass Effect Trilogy. *squeel*